I post the little progress in the model for this year “Modelling Fight”:
The idea is to build the vehicle with which Ayrton Senna won the Monaco Grand Prix in 1990. As I haven´t found a commercial kit of that formula one, I will make the necessary changes to a Tameo kit of the same season to match with which Senna won in Monaco.
I use as base kit the TameoKit TMK 117, for the McLaren MP4/5B in 1:43 scale, reproducing the vehicle with which the McLaren team participated in the United States Grand Prix in 1990.
I start with body adjustments. I have sanded the area between the ground and the chassis to adjust it.
Opens the air inlet above the pilot, which is blind such as almost all the kits.
The floor of the kit does not fit on the left side of the chassis, so I have to lower and adjust it.
Floor left side adjusted.
The front wing is too thick, so I have to lower the edge to simulate the thickness of the rear edge of the front wing.
Rear wing does not conform to the specification of Monaco and has little detail, so I get some copies in resin and divided into the three parts that make it up.
Rear wing adjusted and mounted.
The edge of the diffuser is too thick, so more file until it was into something more close to reality. The left and center sides have been lowered, the right has the original thickness.