Jun 282014

I continue detailing the Porsche Carrera GT.

This time, after placing the photoetched grids of the engine cover, I realize that the pipes of the brake cooling air inlets of the engine cover are missing. I detail them with bits of plasticard, building a small box and the tube that connects with those who come on the side of the engine…

Porsche Carrera GT

Porsche Carrera GT

Also I make the engine cover boot strut with 0.3mm and 0.5mm nickel tube. I flatten the sides and add the rods that attach to the chassis and engine cover …

Porsche Carrera GT

Porsche Carrera GT

Porsche Carrera GT

Porsche Carrera GT

Finally time to build, with a piece of aluminum, the engine cover lock…

Porsche Carrera GT